Do You Love Me?

“Do you love me?” Jesus asked the one who had pretended not to know him just days before.

“Yes, Master, you know I love you,” Peter said.

“Feed my lambs,” Jesus answered.

Three times Jesus asks if Peter loves. Three times Peter reassures. Three times Jesus calls him to serve. In that order: love, yes, service.

It’s been a week since I’ve gotten to bed before the early morning hours. Releasing an album, loving my family and working for Compassion is filling my days to the brim. Spilling over.

I’m serving an audience: E-mails to return. Envelopes to stuff. Interviews to give. A blog post to write.

Do you love me?

I’m serving my family: Breakfast to make. Batteries to replace. PO Box to check. Bathrooms to clean. Stories to read and games to play.

Do you love me?

I’m serving poor kids: Trip planning for November. Bloggers to recruit for Ethiopia in the Spring. An e-mail blast to send. Paperwork to mail in. A blog post to link to.

Do you love me?

Do I love you? Do I love you? Seriously, God? Look at all I’m doing for you? Of course I-

Do you love me? Before work? Before family? More than some mission or good deed? Me. Do you love me?

Paul, the most celebrated missionary in history…understood that his calling, to be a messenger to the gentiles, was not the same as his treasure, to be united with Christ. His communion with Christ rooted and proceeded his work for him. -Sky Jethani in With