The Last Member Of The India Team

If you haven’t heard (Where’ve you been?), I’m heading to Calcutta (aka Kolkata) with a bunch of bloggers in April.  The team is set: Our bloggers are Pete, Anne, Angela, Robin and Melissa.  Our leaders are Patricia, Spence, and me.  And today I’m introducing you to the very last member of the team.

I’ve been to Ecuador, El Salvador, Uganda, Ethiopia and Uganda.  I’ve met orphans, lepers begging at a church door, children playing in polluted rivers, babies dying of Aids, and slaves picking sugar cane for American corporations. I’ve been hugged by mothers whose kids are being released from poverty.  I’ve met fathers who smile because their children will have a better life than theirs someday.  I’ve heard “thank you” and “God bless you” from the inexplicably joyful poor so many times I can’t shake the words from head at the grocery store or mall anymore.  I know the need in the third world and I know the hope $32 brings there.  I’ve seen it.

But Becky hasn’t.

It’s been harder than hard to experience such gut-punching sorrow, such happiness and satisfaction, such life-altering perspective shifts alone – with the other half of myself on another continent.  It’s impossible after I return to fully explain to her with mere words and photographs what I’ve seen, felt and learned.

In April, Becky will join me and our team of gifted bloggers in India and for the first time in our marriage we’ll experience the developing world together.

And you might actually, finally, see what the heck she looks like.  And maybe I can get her to write a little something too.  We’ll see.

The team is finished.