My Witness Challenge

A few days ago I wrote about a pastor in Kolkata, India whose church building and resources are used all week long to help the community around it.  He told me why: ”Our witness is our service.

In the comments of that post there were lots of attaboys for the work of local churches partnering with Compassion International in the developing world.  The consensus among readers seems to be that churches in America ought to be doing more stuff like that too: meeting the physical and spiritual needs of people all week long, holding nothing back.

Forget about the professional minister types and the big buildings they work in for a minute though.

What about you and me?  What’s our witness?

So here’s the challenge. 

  • First, think. Think long and hard about your workplace, your neighbors, neighborhood, city.  What are the needs around you, where you are right now today?
  • Second, dream.  If no one would think you were nuts… If you held nothing back… If you were brave and full of compassion… What could YOU do to meet those needs?  What could your service be?
  • Third, write about it.  Put your answer down in words.  Post it if you have a blog.
  • Fourth, share your answer with us.  E-mail me.  Message me on Facebook.  Leave your answer or a link to a blog post about it here in the comments of this post.  Or twitter it – use hashtag #MyWitness if you do so I can find it.

On Wednesday I’ll compile all of our ideas into one post, linking to every one of them, and move this conversation forward from there.

It’s easy to cheer the workers on.  It’s another thing altogether to join in the work.  This is a start.

Let’s not love with mere words, but with action…

Thanks in advance for the inspiration.