If Jesus Had A Blog

I wasn’t aware of it until yesterday but, apparently, all that ethical stuff in the bible, especially the parts about not lying about people and the need to accuse people of wrongdoing in private, well, those little rules don’t apply to bloggers.  Did you know that?  Me neither. But, apparently.

Yesterday, you see, I began my day by reading a blog post in which a Christian accused another Christian (not me, but someone close to me) of something terrible without any proof.  And then – and this was quite amazing to read – his readers believed him.  With no proof, just words.

But, here’s the thing.  Wrong as I think this guy was, I’m not linking to him.  I’m not telling you who he is.  I’m keeping him safe from your criticism.  And I sent him my phone number and asked him to use it.  I truly hope he does. I’m optimistic that we can have a nice little adult chat about this whole thing. Perhaps I’ll even offer him a ticket to one of our upcoming Christmas concerts just for hearing me out. I think I’ll do that. Because I think that’s what Jesus would do.  Even if He had a blog.