Twitter Chat Tonight 8 Eastern, 7 Central


Who’s ready for a pep rally?

It’s Blog Month with Compassion Bloggers in September. Hundreds of bloggers are writing on behalf of Compassion’s kids around the world. Check this out…

We’re having a pep rally, an online get together to encourage our bloggers to keep going! Our goal this month is to see 3,160 children sponsored through Compassion’s bloggers so tonight, the halfway point, is a time to cheer each other on and get an update on our progress so far.

You don’t yet blog for Compassion? Join us tonight to see what Compassion Bloggers is all about. Everyone’s welcome.

The Twitterchat starts at 8PM Eastern and will last an hour. You can follow hashtag #compassionboggers or go here to participate.

There will be a chance to ask any questions you may have about Compassion’s ministry or Compassion Bloggers in particular. We’ll give out prizes and announce when the next blog trip is happening and who’s on that blogging team.

So, I’ll see you there, sort of. 8 PM Eastern time.