Workation 09

Becky and the kids and I left from church yesterday for Memphis.  My kids are easy to please – a sleeping bag on a hotel floor is better than Six Flags to them.  Of course, for me, a hotel is where I spend half my life, and I brought my laptop so I could return a few essential e-mails (We’re still booking concerts, working on the India trip and redesigning this sight you know?).  So it’s not entirely a vacation for me.

The plan is to head out in a minute for Texarkana to see Becky’s grandparents.  Hang out there a couple days without Wi-Fi (That’s a vacation). Then we’ll head back to Memphis, another hotel wonderland, hit the zoo and aquarium, and then home.

So, I’m not planning on blogging again until Thursday at the earliest.  Until then, may I suggest you read these folks?