Gabriella’s Questions

On Tuesdays Gabriella and I are going through the bible like it’s one big story – because, well, it is.  We’re in Exodus 3 and 4 right now, the tale of Moses, the burning bush, “Let my people go,” the plagues and all of that.

We closed our bibles and started talking about what she’d just read and she was more talkative than usual.

“God can control our minds so why didn’t he just make Pharaoh let them go?”

“Why did God kill the animals?  Why did God kill the boys?”

“God said to love people we don’t like so why didn’t He do that?”

“Did Moses pray for Pharaoh?”

Makes me long for the days of “Why are you taller than mommy?” So much easier.

We’re off to the art museum to see some Monet and Degas now.  No theological conundrums there.  I hope.