The Making Of A Miracle

I want one kid without a backbone.  I want one child who isn’t confident and assertive (aka bossy). 

Just one. 

imageI’d watch my push-over child play with your child beautifully – never telling your child where to stand or what to pretend to be.  Heck, your kid could even tell my spineless child where to stand and what to pretend to be.  My child would just say “OK.” Just “OK.”

I want one kid like this.  One follower, people pleaser, fearful little compromiser.  Because three of the opposite are wearing me out. Just today.  Just for the last few hours.

And this is the dirty secret parents never tell their children for fear that they’ll be spanked by a therapist someday, possibly on national television: Parents love their children but they don’t always like them.

And this sour truth makes love more of a miracle than the sweet lie we grow up believing.