They’re Here

The ”One Night in Knoxville” CDs have arrived!  I picked them up yesterday afternoon and they look great.  I’ll begin mailing them out next week.


Christianity Today and a few other media folks have also agreed to give it a listen and consider reviewing.  If you’d like to review the disc for your site or publication, or need a copy to play on the radio, just e-mail me: [email protected]


image The song “Miss Texas” from the disc will also be featured on as a FREE DOWNLOAD Friday February 2.  The most downloaded song ever featured on the site was a Christmas ditty by Amy Grant.  I sorta kinda swore we could beat that record.  But it won’t happen without your help.  So please go there February 2 and download “Miss Texas” and spread the word.


Any radio station wanting to play “Miss Texas” and promote the free music giveaway can receive a free advance copy of the song by e-mailing me as well.
