Before You Forward That

Before you write that blog post claiming there were more abortions under George W. Bush’s reign than Bill Clinton’s, check the facts.

Before you pass on that stirring Youtube video concluding Barack Obama is simply pro-infanticide, get the whole complicated story.

Before you forward me an e-mail claiming Sarah Palin banned books, wanted creationism taught in public schools and cut special needs funding while governor of Alaska, do some research.

Thanks to the internet, lies have stronger legs than ever before.  But, also thanks to the internet, the truth is at our fingertips as well.  I know this is a bit of a shocker, but politicians sometimes lie and their supporters don’t always value the truth either.  I have a hunch that what some want is simply whatever makes their case, makes their candidate look good and the other guy/gal look unelectable.  Visit, for starters, to slow the spin and practice the politics of greater honesty.

Comments are turned off on this post.  I’m not mediating a discussion on any of these claims.  The specific claims aren’t the point.  The point is that we as Christians should love every candidate and each other enough to learn and disseminate only that which we can be certain is true.

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