Will Blog For Food

174 bloggers got an e-mail from me this month asking them to post about the global food crisis, the Global Food Crisis Fund and Compassion’s Day of Prayer and Fasting (today, June 25th).  They got this e-mail because they took the time to visit CompassionBloggers.com and sign up to receive monthly blog “assignments.” Every month they get an e-mail asking them to blog about a specific Compassion-related initiative or need and supplying them with all the relevant facts and links they’ll need to complete that mission.  And they’ve done an incredible job so far.

Instead of blogging about the food crisis, the fund or the day of prayer and fasting myself, I’ll let them do the talking for me.  Here are just some of the great posts written this month by Compassion bloggers.  To become a Compassion blogger yourself, just sign up and you’ll hear from me next month.






For more posts go to our page on del-icio.us or visit our tumblog.  I’ll be adding to the list all day.

Bonus: I just found this video of Wess Stafford, president of Compassion International, explaining the food crisis.  If you haven’t posted about this crisis yet, this might be a good thing to include in your post.
