Countdown: Our Choice

$100 buys running shoes or life for 10 children.

$90 buys a game or life for 9 children.

$80 buys a music player or life for 8 children.

$70 buys jeans or life for 7 children.

$60 buys a bike or life for 6 children.

$50 buys a pillow or life for 5 children.

$40 buys a hair dryer or life for 4 children.

$30 buys a pool or life for 3 children.

$20 buys dog clothes or life for 2 children.

Because $10 is all it takes to keep a mosquito carrying malaria from biting and infecting 1 child.

Have you got $10?  How about $50?  $100?

How will you spend it?  It’s our choice.

Buy life.

Then tell us in the comments of this post how many lives you chose to save.