Ireland Trip Foiled By Flep

I don’t get to see Brian and Amy much these days.  Brian works for Compassion and not me anymore.  The cold weather has forced the cult-de-sac inside, and our busy holiday travel schedules have taken us separate ways.  So Becky and I were looking forward to a family vacation to Ireland tomorrow – just Brian and Amy, Becky and me – friends and family kickin’ it in Northern Ireland for a few days.

But then Brian got asked to lead a trip to Haiti for Compassion and, well, it’s just weird for me to travel with two women – I’m not a rapper. So the trip was whittled down to me and Becky – alone with no kids in Ireland.  Not a bad deal.  Amy kindly offered to watch the kids while we’re away and we quickly accepted the offer before she could come to her senses.

But now Flep has struck the Seay household – that bizarre one-two punch of flu on top of strep.  The Seays visited a house over the holidays infested with it, knowingly – obviously believing a 75% raw food diet made them superhuman

It did not. They are sick. Very very sick.

WIth our baby sitters out of commission, I’m heading to Ireland alone.  Just me alone in the most beautiful country I’ve ever visited.

Best laid plans and all of that.