Ethiopia Bound

I’m going to a graduation ceremony in October November.  In Ethiopia.

Compassion International is best known for its child sponsorship program in which school aged kids have their physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual needs met by a local church in the Third World.  That church is guided and held accountable by Compassion International and their work is funded by a “sponsor” who pays $32 a month to the program and also corresponds with their sponsored child.

Compassion International also takes care of kids before they reach school age, and their mothers (Child Survival Program).  And then there’s the Leadership Development Program.  It takes students on to university level studies, teaches them servant leadership, and provides them with a mentor and spiritual instruction in hopes of creating the leaders of tomorrow in the Third World.  These leaders could turn the most impoverished nations in the world around someday, one generation at a time.

The Leadership Development Program is relatively new and it’s not yet in all 24 countries where Compassion works.  The first class of Ethiopian LDP students is graduating in October and I’ve been invited to attend their ceremony with Compassion’s president and Brian to learn more.  (At least I think that’s what I’m doing.  The details are still a little sketchy.)

I filled out my paperwork this morning and sent it in.  This afternoon I’m checking into the cost of all my shots, figuring out which ones I truly need, and we’ll be looking on-line for a child to sponsor in Ethiopia in hopes that I’ll be able to pay him a visit while I’m there.  Gresham (almost 5) is old enough to “write” a child his age and learn about a world outside the cul-de-sac through that child’s letters.  (Nothing stifles “I want” more than a basic understanding of the way the rest of the world’s kids live.) I showed him pictures of Ethiopia and told him they have lions and zebras and huge snakes there and that was enough to sell him on the idea.  Whatever works.

I’m heading to Uganda or Kenya with a large unmusical group in January as well.  More about the special reason for that Compassion trip when the time comes. (Tease.)