Instead of RED

HIV and AIDS.  It seems like everyone with a guitar and four chords has sung to defeat them.  Every politician has stumped against them.  Every movie star has worn a red ribbon.  Every magazine has put the diseases on its cover.  HIV and AIDS are popular.

They’ve been responsible for the spread of a new marketing form even.  Causal Marketing – a form of marketing that is often more slogan than substance, and may do as much harm to our culture as it does good for others.  According to the Washington Post causal marketing “soothes the compunctions of a mass-consumption culture at the same time that it contributes to that excess. It allows us to be giving at the same time that we are selfish.”

The RED campaign, for instance, asks us to buy designer clothes to help those with AIDS in Africa.  Causal marketing.  But the RED campaign has raised 11 million dollars so far.  Is that even enough to pay the bills of their marketing blitz?  They’re not saying.  Style over substance?

All this makes me a bit cynical (OK, a lot of bits cynical) when it comes to AIDS related “causes.” I question motivations and effectiveness.

So it’s good to hear straight talk from Transition Pete about AIDS and HIV.  What can really be done to combat this horrible disease in places like Africa?  Find out.