We Usually Don’t Do This

I was up at 5:45 this morning and am currently sitting in the Nashville airport waiting on our delayed flight out.  We’re heading, eventually, to Ohio for a three day run of shows.  (Check Tour page for details.)

Paul Guerra is the indie artist who’ll be opening for me…and picking us up at the airport…and is the promoter…and is the runner driving us all over Ohio.

Paul’s been great to work with and has worked harder than most promoters to get a crowd to these shows.  But Paul’s the exception.  We usually don’t do this.

By “this” I mean allowing opening acts to also serve as the promoter.  In our experience inde artists aren’t so good at promoting shows.  They generally have day jobs and are just too busy to promote beyond their church and tend to assume everyone has 1)heard of me and 2)cares.  Generally, 99.9% of the world doesn’t know who I am and doesn’t care once you tell them.  So it takes a lot of work, time and talent invested very far in advance to get people to come out to our shows.  You really can’t promote too much.  Paul gets this and has invested heavily.

Paul is an exception.  He’s an indie artist who cares about Compassion International and wants to see kids get saved from poverty at these shows.  He’s worked hard to get a crowd there for that very reason: the more people that show up, the more kids that get rescued.  And he’s worked hard, I hear, to get the word out.  Very organized.  Very thorough.  Very creative.

I’ll let you know how many kids Paul helps us rescue from poverty as a result of all his effort.