What Is The Music Blog?

The MUSIC blog is where I’ll post anything having to do with music: musicians, production, song-writing, gear, music theory, music I’m liking and more.  It’s not a blog for everyone.  It’s mostly for people who make and really love music.  So tell those folks you know about this blog.

The hope is that you won’t just read this blog but will join in the discussion by leaving comments.  if I’m writing about shopping for an amp, tell me what you’ve liked and disliked.  If we’re talking about new music we’ve discovered, by all means, tell us what you’re diggin these days.

This is a sort of collective, a place for musicians to talk music together and make each other better.  It won’t be updated as often as SHLOG.COM but I’ll do my best to make the stuff posted here worth reading every time.

Thanks for being here.  Spread the word.