“Indifferent” – Quote Me On That

I was asked by my publicist to give a quote supposing Grokster will win and one supposing Metro-Goldwyn Mayer will win the P2P case currently before the Supreme Court.  These quotes would be included in a GMA press release issued on behalf of Christians in the music industry.

The problem is I see the Court’s decision as irrelevant.  Regardless of man’s laws, Christians have a higher LAW to uphold.  If The Court ruled that sex with children was permissible it would not overturn God’s prohibition against it.  It’s wonderful when man’s law makes it more difficult to break God’s.  But the Spirit of God, fear of God, scripture, community and Church history are the real barriers between Christians and corruption – not rulings by human courts.  So I find myself indifferent once again to my government’s attempts at morality because mine is guided by citizenship in Heaven not America.

What do YOU think about the impending decision by the Court?  When a law makes wrong-doing easier, are you more likely to do it?  Let’s talk.

For now, these are the only quotes I can offer:

IF GROKSTER WINS (And they will):

1) While the Supreme court has ruled that Grokster may stay in business as a file sharing service, God has not yet ruled that Christians may use it to take what they do not own. 

2) In other words, the front door has been unlocked by Grokster and the Court but we Christians still cannot walk inside and take what is not ours.  That is still stealing (Exodus 20:15).  Copyright law and God’s law requiring we obey it has not changed (Romans 13).


1) One door to the house has been locked now by the Court, but others will open.  Regardless, Christians have an obligation to follow God’s law of “Do not steal” which should prevent us from jiggling more handles in search of a new way to get in and take what is not ours. 

2) The court has made it more difficult to disobey God now, but not impossible.  It is still imperative that Christians behave like followers of Christ, consider others above themselves and their temporary desires for free music, obey man’s laws when they don’t conflict with God’s, and heed God’s law not to take was is not theirs.

Agree?  Disagree?  Post a comment here or discuss this SHLOG on my message-board