Blogstar And The Crazy Traveler

First up: Blogstar. Go check out this incredibly great looking blog.  It belongs to my friend Chad Jarnagin and was designed and built by my booking guy/road manager Ben Stewart (who will have a blog soon for me to link to often).

I love the design because it’s simple but not generic.  Clean but still a little grungy.  It says “I’m thirty-ish but yes, that is an electric guitar in my hands and yes, that is my Marshall amp peeling the flesh from your face right now.  Excuse me, that’s my wife on the phone – I should grab it.  Gimme a sec.”

It says all that.  To me.

And just wait until Chad gets some music up on that thing.  He’s an incredible vocalist.  Slap you naked and hide your clothes kind of incredible.  And he wrote Bless The Lord, which I rerecorded on an album of mine – the only song I’ve ever recorded that I didn’t write.  OK, mancrush over.  Check it out.

Next up: Crazy Traveler. Check out this edutaining blog written by my well-traveled friend Spence.  Spence once rocked the drums in a little band called Big Tent Revival.  (He played on the demo that got me signed.) And nowadays he travels the globe with Compassion International…to places like Uganda, for example.

Spenceter – Can I call you that? – has some serious frequent flyer miles racked up. And some tips to share with his fellow travelers.

That’s me: I’m in 100 cities a year.  I’m on a handful of flights most weekends.  I need this blog.

I need to know which seats on my plane have power outlets if I’m going overseas.  I need to know that the TSA has a blog – so I can post a comment there everyday until they reimburse me for crushing my portable cellular credit card machine or send black helicopters to my house and whisk me off to Abu Ghraib for “questioning.”

Check out Crazy Traveler.  It makes me happy in a very nerdy I-need-to-get-out-less sort of way.