Ben Changed My Life

Ben Stewart (who will soon have a blog) books me these days.  I’ll tell you more about him soon, but for now, all you need to know is that this guy changed my life this morning.

He introduced me to 1Password.  I had to share it with you other unorganized over-cluttered folks.  It does lots of stuff (he’ll have to teach me) but what I’ll use it for first is keeping track of all my passwords.  All I have to do is enter them ONCE into 1Password’s handy dandy form and from then on all I have to remember is ONE “master password.” ONE PASSWORD FOR ALL THE SIGHTS I USE!  Unbelievable.

No more e-mailing Kat asking for the password I lost to open my on-line store stuff, or the one that opens my site’s statistics, or the one I use to post to my blog, or see my photos, or access my server, or log-in to facebook, or the other half dozen passwords that make my work life possible.  No more! 

Ben has changed my life today.  And yours.

What techno-tricks do you know?  Pass ‘em on.