Jesus On Immigration

Maybe it’s because I was in California all weekend.  Maybe it was the sun of the OC that’s baked my brains or the entire state’s lean to the left.  Or maybe this stuff actually matters and is the kind of thing I should think about more often. I don’t know. 

I’m thinking about immigration.

Which of these statements are true and which are false?

1) Followers of Jesus have a duty to the poor of spirit and bank account, the hungry and the hopeless and to their children no matter where they’re from.  Our love should know no borders.  Every person, regardless of language or citizenship should be actively loved, provided for by us – the Church.  Every immigrant into this country, legal or illegal, is a person in need is an opportunity to do God’s will here and now as it’s done in heaven.

2) Followers of Jesus obey the laws of their nation as long as those laws do not contradict God’s laws.  We should care the poor of spirit and body, the hungry and the hopeless and their children regardless of whether they or we are breaking the law in the process.  We should encourage illegal immigrants to become legal, we should encourage those who have not yet immigrated to do so legally in the future, but regardless of one’s standing with the government of the United States they are to be loved wholly by every citizen of heaven.  Love comes before legality.

3) As citizens of heaven, followers of Jesus have a responsibility to use their citizenship in America (insert England, Canada, Australia etc) to influence the principalities and powers on earth to open the borders of “Christian nations” so that those in need “out there” can get “in here” and have their spiritual and physical needs met.  Christians should do this no matter the consequences on their livelihood, their nation’s culture, their security etc.

4) As followers of Jesus we’re to be good stewards of all we’ve been given, including our nation.  To protect our nation is to protect a gift from God.  Allowing illegal immigrants to go unpunished and to award them amnesty is to put the gift at risk, it’s squandering the resources we’ve been given.  We won’t be a light to the rest of the world if our country’s unemployment and crime rates increase.  We’ll no longer stand apart as a great and prosperous nation, and we risk becoming a non-Christian nation as well, with many immigrants importing their religion with them.

5) Immigration is an issue that Jesus never spoke about so we shouldn’t either.  God puts leaders in power and we’re to obey them without questioning them.  We’re subjects of the government.  They more than us too so followers of Jesus should just follow their leading and focus on more important things Jesus addresses directly in scripture.