Held Down By The (Wo)Man

Ladies, help me understand something, please.

You know those magazines in the check-out line at Kroger?  They almost always have a famous woman on the cover, and then some sensational headline out beside it?  These magazines tell us important life-changing stuff about celebrities, like how bad they look in a swimsuit, how unhappy their marriage is, what their addictions are, how much their purse costs, who their husband is sleeping with, etc.  I mean, the kind of information you just can’t live without.

And then there are the blogs dedicated to this same kind of tripe too: Tearing down successful female celebrities, and even successful female bloggers. There’s now an entire genre of printed and on-line materials, an entire industry, built around bringing down high-profile females.

And here’s the kicker.  Who’s the audience for this stuff?  Who’s shelling out billions annually to read bad things about women?  Is it their Male Oppressors?  Nope.  It’s women.  Women – some very much against the objectification of and discrimination against their kind – lap this stuff up.  Lap. It. Up.

Help me – a man – understand this stupidity.

Those without Perez Hilton in their feed reader and People Magazine beside the toilet may cast the first stone.