A Shower, Then Virginia

I woke up earlier than I wanted this morning to be put through the paces once again by The Cuban Assassin.  But, instead of the usual three or four people in the class with me there were – oh, I don’t know for sure – about twenty of us.  And Wal-Mart Mom was not there this time.  (We missed you, Wal-Mart Mom.)

Exercising in a large class was beneficial for three reasons: 1)The likelihood that the majority of the class would see me throw-up or do girl push-ups was greatly reduced. More people means less line of sight to the skinny guy wheezing his way through the work-out. 2)The likelihood that The Cuban Assassin would see me and correct me and yell at motivate me in such a large crowd of people to pick on in need of encouragement was greatly reduced. 3)The likelihood that someone else in such a large class would be in worse shape than me was higher.  I think there was one.  I think she was pregnant.

Now I’m off to Virginia.  Forgive me, Virginia, for not yet adding you to my Tour page.  I have been a bit lax in the last couple weeks about updating the site.  I will add many more dates to the Tour page this weekend but that won’t help you out will it, Virginia?  I’m sorry.

For anyone reading from Virginia, here’s where Bush and I will be this weekend.  Hope to see you there:


Sunday, May 18 (9:30 & 11AM church services, 6:30PM church service)


Pender United Methodist Church

12401 Alder Woods Drive

Fairfax, VA 22033

(703) 278-8023 Phone



sean.n AT penderumc.org

See you there.