The Give List

I’ve been experimenting on myself for a few months now. Every day I set out to give just one thing.

  • undivided attention to a stranger
  • an unusually large and undeserved tip
  • quarters stacked on a candy machine at the grocery store

Admittedly, some days the gifts felt small and unappreciated, but they kept me in a habit of giving daily. And that habit changed me in couple of big ways.


Spend an hour looking for an expired parking meter to feed and from then on you’ll notice them every time you’re downtown. I do. Daily generosity has trained my eyes to see unmet needs, big and small, all around me now.


My income isn’t limitless but I’m rich. I’m nearly infinitely wealthy in time, words, attention, talent, and creativity. I’ve been given so much that I can give something away every day. This discipline of daily giving is not only making me more aware of needs around me, but of the ability in me to meet so many of them.

Would you like to become more generous? To be more aware and grateful? Let’s practice generosity together every day and see what happens.

The Give List will be our guide – a free daily reminder to live generously.

Download Give Lists for May & June

Practice generosity daily with the Give List

What is the Give List?

The Give List is a free printable bookmark offering daily suggestions on what to give (and sometimes how, when, where and to whom). There will be a new Give List available every month at

At the end of every list is a Big Give: save up all month long to make a donation to a charity I’ve researched and wholeheartedly recommend. Maybe you cut out a latte once a week, get the kids to search under the couch cushions, put a jar on the counter to dump change in at the end of each day. It’s amazing how much positive change even our loose change can buy when we all give together.

How to use the Give List

Just download, print, cut and fold into a bookmark, and give daily. Of course, it would also be great if you shared the Give List with others by sending them to so that friends and family can practice generosity with us.

Practice generosity daily with the Give List

Share a picture of your Give List bookmark in use and be sure to add hashtag #GiveList for the chance to win one of my favorite books. One winner will be chosen at random every month.

Download Give Lists for May & June

Let me know how practicing generosity daily changes you and your family…and please pass along any suggestions for improving the list too. Thanks for trying this little experiment with me.

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Practice generosity daily with the Give List