I Believe Until


I believe eating right will extend my life and improve its quality.
Until I’m offered a Swiss Cake Roll.

I believe marriage is between one man and one woman.
Until she walks by in those heels, in that dress, with that cleavage.

I believe that God is my helper, so I have nothing to fear.
Until they ask me to write a book.

I believe soft drinks will shorten my life, harm my nervous system, and feed infection in my body.
Until the Southwest flight attendant offers me one – just a little bitty one – for free.

I believe war is almost always incapable of producing peace – and is wrong.
Until she wrote what about me?

I believe there is only one true God worthy of my allegiance and love and life.
Until the game is scheduled on Sunday morning.

I believe children matter, are eternally valuable and worthy of respect.
Until he knocks on the bathroom door for the umpteenth time.

God, I believe. Help my unbelief today.

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