Faking It For A Change

What we believe and feel and think determines our actions. Some say it always works this way. I’m not so sure.

James said our tongue can steer our whole life, like a rudder steers a ship.

Hebrews believed that bowing the body in worship also bowed the heart.

Jesus said when I place my treasure in one spot my heart is set there also.

Smiling triggers chemicals in the brain that boost mood.

Altruism kicks off a reward in the brain, spilling a little seratonin, making sacrifice more attractive to us in the future.

A person who says “I can’t” or “I’m stupid” out loud may start to believe it, dislike themselves and have a harder time enjoying whatever they’re doing.

So I just warned my five year-old to stop saying mean things to herself this morning or she’ll lose a privilege – just like she does when she’s mean to someone else.

And we just hatched a plan to get our second and third grade Sunday school class involved in buying a water buffalo or some chickens for a family in the third world this Christmas.

And, though I really don’t want to hit the road again later today, I’m smiling. Faking it, to be honest. But maybe not for long.

Because what we do can change how we feel, think and believe. And I could use a change. Could you?

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