In Georgia With Tyrus & Alba

I’m sipping some apricot decaf tea in Perk Up, a little coffee house near the campus of Toccoa Falls College. Resting up for tonight’s concert…and tomorrow’s…and the next day’s…

This week I’m talking on behalf of Compassion in college chapel services across the Southeast in the mornings and then playing full concerts each evening.

Tyrus Morgan

Usually when I travel it’s just me and my road manager Ben out here. This time around though, I’ve asked my friend Tyrus Morgan to join us.

It’s hard to get used to calling him Tyrus. To me he’s always been Ty, one of the worship leaders at our little church, an elder there too, dad to two of the cutest little girls on the planet, and the guy who married the dental hygienist my son has a crush on (power of the acoustic guitar, folks). He’s just Ty.

But this week he’s Tyrus, the opening act I hope many many people start following and listening to. And he’s a great speller. Who knew? Check him out.


The first tour I ever did was with Bebo Norman and Katy Perry – then going by Katy Hudson. I wore hip clothes my label bought me, colored my hair, bleached the tips, sported hip glasses and a wrinkle-free face. Nowadays I drive a minivan, my hair’s its natural shade of wisdom, I’m not even in hip’s general vicinity and, well, around my eyes…

I’m amazed these days that any college student still listens to me. Astounded. Honored.

This morning, after speaking at Toccoa Falls College chapel, a girl named Alba shook my hand. With tears in her eyes, she told me about her life as a missionary kid in Spain. I won’t betray her confidence here but, suffice it to say, as the only Christian kid in her school she had a hard go of it.

On a furlough from the mission field, she was given my first CD. It was the only CD she had. This was ages ago – in 2001 – and she remembered the one song she listened to on one very bad day in particular. She remembered what she prayed when the music stopped.

It’s humbling to think that God comforted a scared and broken girl in Spain using the words of some singer guy half a world away. What an honor. And this is called my “job?”


A couple hours more of rest, a few more sips of tea, and I’m back on the job. Pray for us this week will ya? Pray for safety as we drive through the rain and into the night every day this week. Pray for the family we’ve left behind. And pray that this “work” we’re doing makes a lasting difference in our own lives, the lives of college students and lots of Compassion kids.
