Gloria! Begins

I think it was Derek Webb who said we singer-songwriters are the blue collar workers of the artist world. Maybe that’s why I’m so uncomfortable on tour buses with any other kind. Or maybe I’m just too insecure to hang out with real singers with real voices and real records sales. Whatever the reason, I just have a better time hanging out with singer-songwriters talking about anything than I do discussing the merits of Prada or…heck, I don’t even know what gets discussed by “those” artists.

I’m heading out on the Gloria! Christmas tour with Travis Cottrell and Cindy Morgan this weekend. Derek and I and the other blue collar singer types have voted Cindy and Travis into our little club despite their being prettier and more talented than the rest of us. They’re truly two of the nicest most down-to-earth artists I’ve ever “worked” with…and certified Prada-free. Looking very forward to a month of front-lounging with them, the crew, the players and some hot wings and sweet tea.

Bring it.

Tour rehearsals have begun. Here’s the crew hard at work to make us look and sound better than we actually do. That’s “Redwine” on sound, Wade as tour manager and Todd on lighting.

Gloria! Tour crew

Speaking of Todd, here’s some of what he’s put together already this morning.

Gloria! Tour Rehearsal lighting and set

OK, back to rehearsal. I have a lot of sitting around eating and waiting to do, so, gotta take off. See you on the road hopefully. Are you coming to one of the shows? Oh, and would you watch if we broadcast one show live on the interwebs?