In Case Of Emergency

Just before our trip to India – thanks to an e-mail from a blog reader – I listened to a sermon by Francis Chan (three times) called “Living To Display The Gospel” and began to rethink the supposed virtues of moderation.

In his message he told the story of how he decided to give away a large sum of money he earned from a successful book deal.  He ended the story by saying that some advocates of moderation have asked him if it’s wise to give all that cash to aid the poor.  “Shouldn’t you put some of it away in case of emergency?”

To which he answered, “Are you saying that what’s happening in ‘the developing world’ isn’t an emergency? …Oh, you mean an emergency that involves me.  Because if it doesn’t involve me then it’s not a real emergency right?”

He explained passionately and very gently that God is not moderate in his generosity toward us.  Jesus didn’t look at the mess on Earth and say, “Well those problems aren’t my problems so I’m staying out of it.” No, he gave all because he loved the whole world.

Love says your emergency is my emergency and then it sacrifices without moderation to rescue.  Love, Francis believes, doesn’t save a sum so large for its own future needs when someone else is in tremendous need right now.

Francis reminded me that moderation isn’t an inherently bad thing but even moderation must be pursued in moderation.  And it’s thrown out the window entirely in case of emergency.

And all over the world, this is an emergency.