India Packing Checklist

-Socks, underwear, new shirts, dress pants Compassion is forcing me to wear

-Deodorant, hair stick, razor, toothbrush, toothpaste

-Deep Woods Off, bacterial wipes, toilet paper, sunscreen

-Fifty zillion suckers and bottles of bubbles, one soccer ball and pump, hair clip thingies, six bags of kid socks, glow stick bracelets, kid toothbrushes and toothpaste, blankets

-Laptop, power cord, power strip, camera, video camera, dv tapes, thumb drive, external hard drive, ear phones, ear phone splitter, huge ball of knotted up cables

-Trip book, Bible, The Year of Living Biblically, The Politics of Jesus, WIRED, Fast Company

-One wife

-Ear plugs

Five bloggers, three leaders, me

All set.  Next stop: Chicago, then Dehli, then Kolkata.


Follow, for as long as I have cell service, at