The Work Of Good Monsters

A couple years ago Jars of Clay’s front man Dan Haseltine wrote to the band’s fans…”Don’t be surprised by the contemporary Christian music industry…They have created a monster and now they do not know how to kill it gracefully. And even though it is a monster, most times its motives are to become a very good monster.” The posting, on of course spread beyond the fans to the rest of the industry, causing more than a few eyes to roll and a few folks to treat the guys in Jars of Clay as if they were the monsters. 

Well, they’re good monsters.  I’ve toured with these guys and they’re the nicest artists I’ve ever worked with.  Totally self-less, treating their crew and opening acts like equals.  They get a massage therapist every week on tour for the guys who do the heavy lifting – not for themselves. They let me live on their bus, the best bus of the tour.  When Becky came out for a visit on the road and wound up having an emergency appendectomy in L.A., they gave me time off without my asking, and put us up in a hotel at their expense so she could recover and not be alone.  They bought pizzas after a show at the House Of Blues for the union guys who loaded us in and out.  They’re always looking for ways to take care of other people. They are truly good.

And so is their music.  They’re the only band who’s music I buy without listening first.  Their music sticks in my head and makes me think – a rare thing.  Like this song from the album Good Monsters called Work:

Buy Jars of Clay music right here.

And, look, now they’ve got a blog.  (Where’s the blogroll guys?)