I Will Not Should On Myself

We flew to North Carolina, drove three hours to the first gig of the weekend in Virginia. It was a gathering of Baptist youth groups from the region. Not my usual audience. I sang a few songs, spoke a few words and left wondering if I connected, if I served the students well, if I made the most of the opportunity. Maybe I should have…

Then on to Knoxville. Six people showed up for the concert so we moved the “show” to a more “intimate” setting, a classroom down the hall from the church’s sanctuary. We sat in a circle of folding metal chairs, told stories and played songs. I didn’t know what to do or say all night. I left thinking maybe I should have…

Next, I preached at a wonderful church in Winston-Salem. I taught something I’ve never taught before. I wasn’t sure how long it would take to deliver it. I went long the first service. A little better the second service. I should have…

Along the way I met up with a friend who works with Christian radio. He told me he’d talked with a guy recently who was still upset over something I said in an article printed five years ago. I’m still angry that the editor of that interview misrepresented me like that. When the journalist called I should have…

I came home to kids eager to play. The youngest hugged me around one thigh, looked up and said, “You go singing a lot, Dad.” I remembered my mom telling me years ago to get an education certificate just in case. I probably should have…

I lost a weekend to pride.

I spent far too much time in the past and extended myself far too little grace.

That’s it. No more.

I will not should on myself.

How about you?